Boostez votre business grâce à la puissance de la newsletter

Boost your business with the power of the newsletter

Communicate to a 100% opt-in audience

Find quality, large-scale, 100% GDPR-compliant contacts

Create loyalty

Reach a premium audience to attract attention and engagement on a large scale

Boost your goals

Promote your content in a non-intrusive format to grow your qualified audience and increase your revenue

Exceed your goals

Build on a premium editorial environment

Use the confidence of the largest media sites for high engagement on your campaigns

Diversify your acquisition sources

Share your message with positioning that captures users' attention

Our offers

Find out how through the newsletter, we help advertisers, agencies and publishers generate more revenue.

Ividence for advertisers

Reach your target audience when they are most receptive


Ividence for publishers

Leverage our technology to manage, control and monetise your content while personalising the editorial experience for consumers.


They trust us